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Addressing parental concerns regarding their child’s development and providing them with information and options so that they can understand, cope and make decisions about the child’s condition and future educational needs.
Detection of a possible developmental cause for behavioural problems in pre-school and school-aged children.
Use of the Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales to ascertain developmental level in children 0-7 years of age.
Early detection of autism and use of diagnostic tools such as the ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule)
Follow-up of infants and children who may be at risk for specific developmental delays, e.g. preterm and low birth weight infants, history of birth complications or prenatal complications, meningitis and other postnatal central nervous system insults, family history of disability.
My scope of practice include Cerebral Palsy diagnosis and management.
Diagnosis and management of medical conditions contributing to poor school performance and learning disorders.